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Drive Electric NH is a coalition of public and private stakeholders whose mission is to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and installation of supporting charging infrastructure in NH by increasing knowledge and awareness of EVs through education and outreach. This will result in a cleaner environment, increased consumer choice, and will help the state attract and retain the next generation workforce as well as attract visitors to our state. 

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The Drive Electric NH Coalition

The Drive Electric NH Coalition is composed of members representing the public, private, and non-profit sectors, including but not limited to:

State Agencies

NH Dept. of Environmental Services

Granite State Clean Cities Coalition

NH Dept. of Transportation


ReVision Energy

McFarland Hyundai

Sheehan Phinney




NH Electric Cooperative


Liberty Utilities


Clean Energy NH

NH Automobile Dealers Association

Plug-in America

Conservation Law Foundation

Union of Concerned Scientists


Sierra Club NH

League of Conservation Voters

The Nature Conservancy

Vermont Energy Investment Corporation

Monadnock Sustainability Hub

Drive Electric NH was founded in 2017. It is coordinated by Clean Energy NH (CENH), a statewide non-profit.


*Disclaimer: The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of Steering Committee members or their affiliated entities.

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